Monday, January 12, 2009

An Aussie Thanks

I met Dave through a mutual friend back in August 1997 while I was traveling. The frisbee family is a great thing and amazing how it can bring people together. Dave opened his heart and his home to me. I stayed at his house for a few days after never having met him before. Dave took time out to show me around Washington DC which was great. We played disc golf in a cool private park outside of DC, but one of my coolest memories was playing a pickup game of DDC with Dave right next to the Washington Monument on the Mall. We even were invited to participate in the Wham-O Frisbee Festival in front of thousands of people in front of the Capitol Building. I will never forget that time and the hospitality you showed a frisbee traveling kid from Australia.

Thanks mate for the memories, I will miss you.

Chris Himing

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